Tuesday, April 16, 2019

I Liked Civil War 2 Better

Around the time that the movie “Captain America: Civil War” came out, Marvel comics started an event called “Civil War 2” in a shameless cash grab worthy of the comics industry. The plot of the event is basically a rip off of “Minority Report”: a new super hero emerges who has the ability to see into the future, and the super hero community uses his powers to try and stop crimes before they happen. That being said, I actually like the way “Civil War 2” works better than the way “Minority Report” works. Part of this is, of course, because I like super heroes more than I like Tom Cruise. However, there are also other reasons behind my preference. One is the level of moral ambiguity in “Civil War 2”. In the comic, Captain Marvel, who wants to prevent crimes, and Iron Man, who wants to avoid using the predictions due to both practical and moral complexities, are portrayed for the most part without much bias. Both of them have personal reasons for taking their stance on the matter, and both of them do good and bad things in the defense of their side of the conflict. The other main aspect of “Civil War 2” that I prefer is the twist: at some point it turns out that the predictions of the future are not based on actual precognition, but on the subconscious perceptions that people have about the future. Not only is this an interesting aspect of the plot, but I also feel like it provides a nice level of complexity to the whole situation.

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