Monday, April 15, 2019

GATTACA becomes real?!

Even though our discussion on GATTACA has ended, I wanted to share something that I came across a few days ago. On Instagram, an advertisement was shown to me that claimed that, if you had received DNA data from 23andMe, AncestryDNA, or MyHeritage, you could upload it and receive an additional analysis that would show what traits you have based on your DNA.

This just makes me think that, if this information is so easily accessible on the internet to just about anyone, the idea of analyzing what traits people will have before they are born and genetically engineering them to only have specific traits may not be all that far off. Especially since that situation is something of an ethical debate, normalizing it in such a way that it's advertised on things like Instagram might make people much more accepting of it.

Here is a link to the website:

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