Monday, February 11, 2019

The History of Utopian Affairs, Circa 200 BCE - 1752 CE

-Circa 200 BCE: Utopia is founded.
-244 BCE - 1514 CE: Utopian Golden Age. Marked by a consistent, stable level of population growth and heavy isolationist policies. Despite the massive scale of the Golden Age, little occurred during this period that could be considered significant on a global scale.
-1514 CE - 1621 CE: Decline of isolationist policy in Utopian politics. Around this time certain resources in Utopia began to grow scarce, which forced the people of the island to open trade relationships with nations such as Britain, Spain and China. As traders began coming to the island, they brought stories of the technological and social developments in the outside world. This gradually led to a relaxation of Utopian isolationist policy.
-1622 CE - 1653 CE: Spread of Utopian ideals. During this period word of the Utopian way of living spread to different parts of the world, inspiring the people of other nations to begin reassessing the way in which they lived their lives. These ideas especially took hold in parts of China, France, Germany and certain colonies in the Americas.
-1654 CE - 1732 CE: Age of Rebellions. Once certain Utopian ways of thinking took hold in various areas of the world, there were a string of rebellions and revolutions where the ideologies of Utopia clashed with those of the rest of the world. In many cases these uprisings were quickly and violently ended. Yet some of these revolutions resulted in new nations forming, such as the Utopian State of Germany and the Utopian Dynastic Commonwealth in China (both of which existed alongside their parent nations). In still other areas of the world nations developed from colonies that had already been established, such as New Netherland and Pennsylvania in the Americas.
-1733 CE - 1752 CE: The Great War. This period is marked by a series of technically separate conflicts between various nations and their Utopian offshoots. During the Great War, certain nations such as Britain and Spain ended up backing their fellow non-Utopian states. At the same time, the Utopians reluctantly sent troops to back the various nations that shared their ideologies. The end result of this conflict was the establishment of the Utopian Confederacy, a new world power composed of various Utopian states such as the Utopian Dynastic Commonwealth and Dutch Utopia (a state comprised of the peoples of New Netherland and Pennsylvania, who were forced to move westward once their land was lost to Britain during the war). The Utopian Confederacy quickly established a treaty with the opposing forces in an attempt to prevent further bloodshed.

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