Wednesday, February 13, 2019

The Feudal Manor

I liked what The Diggers had going on, and the fact that they were succeeding at what they were attempting to do for a good amount of time before anyone even noticed. It really is unfortunate that the wealthier people who owned this land didn't allow them to stay there, despite the fact that they weren't really losing anything by having them on their excess land and that The Diggers may not have been able to survive in any other way.
As shown in this map of a medieval Feudal Manor, there were several common fields that were meant to produce food for the people who lived there, under the lord, and worked his land for him, as well.
But, The Diggers weren't necessarily stealing from those people, it seemed more like they were planting on unoccupied land, such as the common pasture, forest, or even the meadow. 
I just thought it was interesting to think about how much land there was that was being unused by whoever owned it, and that they were so bothered by the fact that these people claimed to be cultivating that land in order to survive.


  1. I did not read about the Diggers but I think its really interesting to think about how they were able to continue unnoticed for sometime. It is crazy to think that something that sustained the lives of many had such little impact that those who were technically effected by it were unaware.

  2. As much as I'm like "yay, go Diggers! Fight the power!" I can't help but imagine myself being not a little bit peeved if a bunch of people just showed up in my backyard one day to till, sow, and gather crops. Of course, I don't have the size of land that these feudal manors had, but I can imagine landowners similarly thinking "wtf" when they saw this happening.
    As much as I wish it were as easy as "good guys" and "bad guys", to find those labels even in a situation like this is fraught work indeed.
